a Circular perspective -Happy Saturday Flickr Friends =) by DesertNana aka majamom.
this hangs in the big tree near the bird feeder a fair distance from my window.
I was practicing focusing with my new zoom lens and was as surprised as anyone to view this in my images as I uploaded them! !!!
One of many things I love about photography - the most unexpected surprises occur when you set out to do one simple thing and end up with some new amazing result!
MOJAVE* well thank god you cant see me in there,because I was sick with that flu looking like hell not even yet warmed over;bUT again, all I was doing was seeing how well my new zoom lens would focus on the hummingbird feeder-while letting some fresh desert air into my germ ridden room .
Thus, while focusing on the silver orb-unbeknownst to me-it was holding a wonderfully distorted image of my location!

my fav place of any shopping anywhere by DesertNana aka majamom.
only one of these 4 hrs away from where i live in CA , thus, never been there =(
but, this one sits almost exactly halfway between my daughters home and my sisters home. Its location is also sentimantal as the propertey where this appeared about 6 yrs ago, is one that www.flickr.com/people/38941334@N00/ and i used to take our little ones many years ago....

a picture for you by DesertNana aka majamom.
Pottery Barn For kids
boy the designers of this place no how to entice ALL AGES!!
***- CHERISH- I thank you so much for seeing this and inviting me to your wonderful group!***
This is inside a Pottery Barn For Kids in Pittsburgh PA. I am guessing their layouts are the same in all of their stores. The bed is a twin and all the magical furnishings are child size. If it were not for their exorbitant prices-I would have purchased the pink frig for myself just to make my child heart happy =)

Eco-friendly, recyclable children's furniture was manufactured from Xanita's X-Board, for the Homemakers expo held in Cape Town